Making a Personal Website (Notion)

Well, if you are seeing this post, that means I’ve successfully linked my website with notion as the CMS!
Personal website has always been on my todo list (probably since undergrad time ~ 2018). But I never actually get enough drive to make it happen, usually it’s because I have some other projects that seems “more fun” than making a personal website.
Until a cold day in winter 2021, I finally decided to give this project some love. I figure it’s only cool if I host it on my own computer and have full control all the details! So I grabbed a domain name, followed some caddy tutorials, and spent a few days shopping for a nice static website generator. Eventually converged to Hugo(LoveIt theme). With all the peripherals set up and done, once again I decided to leave the rest of the text editing work to future me…
How time flies, it’s almost two years later now. (2023-10-15) More and more of my friends starts to have their own websites, while mine started early, but never saw a day of daylight….
Once again I connected to my raspberry pi 4, and started to tweak the config file for my taste. Thanks to DALLE 3, I was able to generate a cool looking pixel art avatar for myself. With things mostly working, I want to combine my favorite note editor notion with my website so that I don’t need to write blog in vscode!
I followed the readme page of this project:
I had to move my setup to github and host with the github pages and workflow. Well, it’s diverging a little from my goal of hosting it all by myself, but I’ll leave this to the future me. I would like to figure out how to run it locally. But for now, I need to start writing!